Change Your Life with Us

Kids Classes

Imagine Your Child As a Confident, Strong, Self Assured Leader

I want to take a moment to welcome you to our website and to say THANK YOU for considering Martial Arts for your child. I've taught kids martial arts classes for years and as you can imagine, I've seen every kind of personality you can think of in a child. Rambunctious, shy, defiant, complacent...every child is different, with special gifts to give and challenges to overcome, and I've seen Martial Arts classes help every single one of them find their inner strength, peace, and focus.

We've seen ultra-shy kids burst out of their shell, ADD and ADHD kids learn how to control themselves, socially awkward kids learn how to make and keep friends, and even helped special needs children find a place to fit in and feel accepted. So, what I'll do on this page is tell you a little about what our focus is in our classes, and what methods we use to achieve our results. Take a look at what we do, and see if our philosophy on the Martial Arts mat lines up with your goals as a parent, and if what we teach would be beneficial in your child's life. Again, THANK YOU for considering Martial Arts - it was literally the BEST thing that ever happened to me when I was young, and I think it's possible that it could be the same for your child.

Adult Classes

If you are looking for a Martial Arts class for adults then this is the place for you.  Our adult classes focus heavily on building stamina and core strength.  We want to help you get in the best shape of your life.  During this process you will learn an array of Martial Arts teachings including Kung Fu, Kick Boxing, take-downs, wrist-locks and much more.  We have a well rounded curriculum that will work not only inside the gym but, more importantly outside.

The thing that all successful students have is the desire to succeed.

If you can show up with that, we'll make sure you reach your goals. What you need to know is that we are committed to YOUR success. Now, you're going to have to earn it. We've going to push you WAY past your comfort zone, and you WILL want to give up. Those same old demons will poke their head up and tell you you're not strong enough, you're not brave enough, you're out of your league... but deep down, you KNOW you're strong enough. We'll be there every step of the way, and you WILL do it. All you have to do it show up.

Our Classes Are Specifically Designed for Kids
And That's Really Important

How children are treated and taught makes a huge difference in their experience, and therefore their ability. When they're engaged and excited, children learn really well. It seems obvious, but so often kids are "forced" to learn. At our school, they LOVE learning!

A "Group Sport"
With An Individual Focus

Your child will interact with others, work with partners and listen to the instructor as a member of the group; but they'll never "ride the bench".  They'll be held to their own standard; no one else's. Every child is unique and our Martial Arts classes offer a fantastic opportunity to capitalize on their natural strengths to bolster their Self Esteem so that they have the emotional and mental capability to tackle areas that need work.